Cville Summer Events: Join us!

Let the summer fun begin with a series of refreshing, inspiring & creative events--all around town!

"Carry words with you and return to the Lord" (Hosea 14:2). From the psalms of the Hebrew Scriptures to the ecstatic poems of Sufi mystics to 21st century spoken word performance art, poetry has long served as a path of speaking to and of God. All are welcome to this evening regardless of past experience reading/writing poetry. Participants will leave with tools on how to use poetry to deepen their spiritual lives. 

Cosmic Beauty on the Small Screen.  Who are we and how did we get here? Why do we exist? The astonishingly beautiful film “Tree of Life” written and directed by Terrance Malick, ponders some of the hardest and most persistent questions, the kind that leave adults speechless when children ask them. All the while, it captures the story of a Texan family in the 1950s from the standpoint of eternity. Familiar summer scenes of spraying garden hoses, kids throwing a baseball, and parents quarreling reach towards greater significance, reminding us that what may seem small scale is interconnected with what’s grand.  

Special Tours of the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Fralin Art Museum
Led by Elizabeth Bickley, graduate student in Arts and Religion

If icons are images frozen in time which point to larger active stories, then what can Andy Warhol’s iconic painting reveal to us about our contemporary American world? And how exactly do cultural icons overlap or collide with religious icons? Join us on a special tour of the Fralin Art Museum as we puzzle over these silkscreen images created by the perceptive, unabashed Andy Warhol. Reception to follow in the Fralin front patio. 

Parking is available directly behind the Museum on Bayly Drive, in the A6 lot on Rugby Road adjacent to Madison Bowl, and in the Culbreth Road Garage. Permits for all three lots are available at the Museum's front desk.  The Museum also validates parking tickets from the Central Grounds Garage on Emmet Street.