A prayer after the violence

As this weekend of hate and violence ends, our hearts are broken.  Stand with us, friends.  Come alongside us as we minister in the name of Christ here in Charlottesville and at UVa--as we seek to listen well, to speak the truth, to welcome each person with the abounding generosity of the One who laid down his life for all of us.  There have been many words these recent days. So for now: a prayer.

"God, we are angry and frightened. We know you created us for peace, but our world is just so violent. ... We ask your comfort for those violated. We ask your justice for those whose souls are so numb they cannot feel the pain they inflict. They need you most of all. Violate them with your terrible grace, that they may feel again. And make us your peace; rob us of our privileges, that we may be a refuge so that such evil can come to an end."

- Stanley Hauerwas, Prayers Plainly Spoken

(Join us on October 12 for Stanley Hauwerwas's Capps Lecture here at UVa.)