Calling all Illuminators!

In our dark, divided time, Jesus calls us to be Light-bearers: welcoming and generous people who draw others to God, the source of our light.

David Brooks writes that “above almost any other need, human beings long to have another person look into their faces with love and acceptance.” Whenever we see and tend to another, we embody our caring Christ, who enlightens the needy world.

Theological Horizons is committed to the healing work of seeing and being seen, knowing and being known, in Jesus’ name. This is a season brimming with encounter as David Brooks’s Scoper Lecture in Christian Thought, “KNOW BETTER: Deepening the Bonds of Communal Life,” brings people together in-person and online for rich immersive, intergenerational experiences.

From the Charlottesville Welcome Table, book discussion groups, Rotunda Dome Room panel and filmmaker conversation…to fireside student Vintage Lunches, Bible study and leisurely meals with Fellows – in all of these moments the Light of Jesus Christ burns brightly.

Will you help us keep an open house by giving generously – that we might continue to be Light-bearers and to shine where the Gospel witness is needed most? And good news! Each and every gift you give to the ministry of Theological Horizons through June 30 will be matched, dollar for dollar, thanks to the kindness of other “Illuminators.”

As Jesus reminds us: we are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors of the world.

So let’s shine – together!

Karen Wright Marsh, Executive Director

“Shine! Keep an open house;

be generous with your lives.

By opening up to others,

you’ll prompt people to open up with God,

our generous Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16, The Message